May 2005 overview

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Relative evapotranspiration during this month (left) and the difference with the five year average (right).


Left image: Black = zero, Green = high relative evapotranspiration.

Right image: Red = lower values in 2005, Yellow = unchanged, Green = higher values in 2005.

Left: October-May season Evapotranspiration. (black = low, green = high). Right the difference with the five year average. Yellow = average conditions, red = below average and blue = above average.

Left: September-April season Maize yield forecast. (black = low, green = high). Right the difference with the five year average. Yellow = average conditions, black = below average and blue = above average.

Left: October-June season Sorghum yield forecast. (black = low, green = high). Right the difference with the five year average. Yellow = average conditions, black = below average and blue = above average.

Rainfall in the east African region for May, left; scaled between zero (red), and 50 mm or above (blue). Right; scaled between zero (red), and 150 mm or above (blue).